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Pharmacist Renewal

All established licensees will be required to create an account in the NEW Online Registration System. 

LOGIN or REGISTER for an online account.  

Existing Licensees/ Registrants select Register as a "LICENSEE." (TIP SHEET - Established for step-by-step instructions)

Online Renewals for Pharmacists

Beginning June 01, 2023, any credit card processing fees for online payments will be the responsibility of the applicant

We are no longer mailing out notifications for renewal. Make sure that your email that is on file with the Board of Pharmacy is your most current email address. Renewals open January 1 and are due by February 1st of each year.

Pharmacist License Status

Pharmacists have several license status options. Below is a brief description of each status type. To change your license status, log into your account, (if you have not done so already, you will need to register for an account in the new licensing system.) Pharmacist renewals open January 1 each year.

Pharmacist License Status Descriptions
Active - This status is for Practicing pharmacists. All fees and continuing education are required to maintain this status.

Inactive - This status means that you are temporarily giving up your authority to practice pharmacy in Minnesota. See MN Statutes 151.095.
  • Annual renewals and fees are still due. These can be submitted online.
  • Continuing education participation will not be required while inactive.
  • After five years in Inactive status, you will have to meet current requirements and retake the exams to be reactivated.

Emeritus - A pharmacist who is completely retired from active pharmacy practice may apply to the Board for an Emeritus license; providing the pharmacist has not been disciplined by the Board. An Emeritus license is not a license to practice but is a formal recognition of completion of that individual's pharmacy career in good standing. See MN Rules 6800.1210.
  • Effective January 1, 2024, pharmacists that are currently in an Emeritus status, no longer need to submit a renewal to maintain Emeritus status.
  • Those who submit a status change request to Emeritus status are not subject to a fee.
  • Once Emeritus is granted, continuing education are no longer required.
Continuing Education
For continuing education information and requirements, click here .
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