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Information to register

During the registration process we ask you for specific information to determine your account type and create either a Joint UI/Paid Leave account or Paid-Leave-ONLY account for your business or organization. Your account will be set up based on the information you provide.

Federal and state identification numbers

Your federal and state employer identification numbers work like a personal Social Security number, but for your business. You need them to pay federal and state taxes, hire employees, open a bank account for your business, etc.

Business/organization information

Information you provide for your legal entity type, legal entity subtype, and business type matters. Variations within the legal entity type may affect the legal, financial, and accounting structure of the business. Some of these selections will impact tax rates, thresholds, coverage, etc. 

If you don’t know or are unsure of what to enter for these questions, you may want to talk with your accountant.

Information to determine program coverage and effective date

Most work in Minnesota is covered by both Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Paid Leave. If the business or organization issues a W-2 to someone, they are an employee of the business and likely covered by Paid Leave.

Diagram of Coverage - majority covered by both UI and Paid Leave

"Coverage" for both UI and Paid Leave starts when you make your first wage payment.

Business/organization names and addresses

These questions relate to general contact information for your business. 

We ask you for the:

  • "Legal Entity" name (as registered with the Secretary of State) 
  • "Doing Business As" name (when different than "Legal Entity" name) 
  • Physical address of business/organization (where the work is done) 
  • Business address for correspondence mailings (when different from business location)

Type of industry

We need to assign your business/organization an industry code under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).

  • There will be five steps. 
  • Each step defines the industry in greater detail -- It moves from a broad sweep to a more narrowed definition of the industry.
  • We know this takes time, selecting the correct industry matters. 
  • Select the choice that fits your organization best. 

Your industry page

Owner/officer information

Depending upon legal entity type, we will ask you to provide either ownership information or information for those trusted individuals responsible for the account. 

If the business is owned by:

  • Individuals (an owner, officer(s), board members, or persons responsible) – enter their personal information – name, home address, phone number, Social Security number*, and percentage of ownership. 
  • Another business – enter the information of the business that owns the business you are registering - legal name, FEIN, business address, and percentage of ownership. 

The total of owner/officer ownership needs to add up to 100 percent: 

  • LLCs and Corporations 
    • Total percent for all owners must equal 100 percent. 
    • It’s not unusual that a corporation would need three names.

  • Non-profits and Governmental entities 
    • Provide the necessary information. As a non-profit organization, you are required to provide three executives, directors, trustees, or other persons responsible for UI submissions. Please enter percent of ownership as zero percent.

*An owner’s SSN is required to complete registration when a business is owned by an individual. Do not enter the FEIN of the business you are registering in place of the owner’s SSN. Only enter a FEIN if the owner of the business you are registering is another business. 

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