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Public Notices

Board of Executives of Longterm Services and Supports will be opening MN Rule Changes for 6400.0500-7095

The Minnesota Board of Executives for Long Term Services and Supports (BELTSS) committee meetings are open to the public under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13D, unless otherwise noted.  The Rules Committee consists of the members appointed by the chair of the Board.  The chair of the board shall designate one member to serve as chair of the Rules committee.  The committee shall review policy issues relating to legislation and rules, and, as appropriate, make recommendations to the Board.  The Committee meets regularly and is comprised of Board members, Board staff, and other represetnatives to create an opportunity for stakeholder input througout the process. 

Minnesota Board of Executives of Longterm Services and Supports (BELTSS) 
335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 210-B 
St. Paul, MN  55102

Meeting Schedule:
The Rules Committee meets every other Tuesday from 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.  All meetings will be held virtual via Webex. For meeting access information email:  

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