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Assisted Living Director in Residence (ALDIR) (34)

This application option is best for individuals who require a Residency Permit while working as an ALD director or a similar position for an ALD licensed facility, or who has been offered a position as an ALD director or similar capacity. The board shall issue a permit to serve an assisted living facility as an assisted living director in residence (ALDIR) for up to one year. The request for the permit requires a separate form to be submitted to the board.  Permits are ONLY issued for 12 months, and may not be transferred to another facility or extended beyond the 12 months.

Is this application right for me?

Please read the following question carefully, and if answering, NO, you may need to review other applicant types.

  1. Are you currently in a position, or have been offered an Assisted Living Director or similar position in which a Residency Permit is required when no Licensed Assisted Living Director (LALD) is available?
  2. Are you the person in charge overseeing the facility day to day operations, and are referred to as the Assisted Living Director or similar position of the facility?
  3. Did the previous Assisted Living Director leave the facility, and you have been designated as the new person in charge of the Assisted Living Director?
*NoteResidency Permits must be obtained within 30 days of when the previous LALD left the facility as the Director of Record.
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