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BELTSS Approved Education NHA Programs

For a full course list for each academic institution, please see the chart below. Specific course numbers are subject to change and should be verified with the Program Director at the school or with the BELTSS office staff.

The Minnesota Accredited programs include the following academic institutions:

Concordia College ***
Moorhead, Minnesota

Minnesota State University - Moorhead
Moorhead, Minnesota

Minnesota State University Moorhead's Healthcare Management & Leadership (Long-Term Care Emphasis) [BS] and Master of Healthcare Administration programs are the only BELTSS accredited programs across Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Please contact Dr. Jitendra Singh by for more information.

St. Mary’s University – Twin Cities (Ending August 31, 2024)

University of Minnesota-Crookston 

The University of Minnesota program is no longer NAB approved as of November 8th 2023. The program is still approved by the Minnesota Board of Executives for Long Term Services & Supports  can be used to satisfy the NHA education requirements. 

University of Minnesota – Twin Cities***
St. Paul, MN

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire*** Eau Claire, Wisconsin

 ***These programs denote HSE accredited programs. For graduates looking at the Health Services Executive (HSE), please refer to the HSE section of the website.

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