Requirements for Health Service Executive
NAB offers two distinct qualifying pathways: 1) Career Pathway and 2) Education Pathway. The HSE qualifications are evaluated and determined the National Board of Administrators (NAB). You must complete an HSE application with NAB. NAB will then create a file of your work experience, education and administrator-in-training (AIT)/Administrator Residency program.
To qualify for the 1) Career pathway, the following criteria must be met:
- Filed a completed HSE application with NAB. NAB will verify you meet the HSE requirements.
- Filed an HSE application with BELTSS. BELTSS will provide the license once you have been verified by NAB and meet the licensure requirements with BELTSS.
- An active HSE application with NAB either through Career Pathway.
- Must have an Active Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) license
- Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college of university
- Verification of three years of experience as the long-term care administrator of record (AOR) or supervisory experience over other AORs for a minimum of three years.***
- Active engagement within the field of long-term care within the past five years.
- Successful passing of additional 50 item Resident Care/Assisted Living (RCAL) and Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) exam(s) not previously completed successfully.
- Review within the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) and finding no disqualifying actions. (Applicants will need to complete a self-query to the NPDB and submit this report to NAB).
***The minimum three years' experience as an AOR must be completed within the skilled nursing/nursing home environment.
To qualify for the 2) Education pathway, the following criteria must be met:
- Filed a completed HSE application with NAB. NAB will verify you meet the HSE requirements.
- Filed an HSE application with BELTSS. BELTSS will provide the license once you have been verified by NAB and meet the licensure requirements with BELTSS..
- An active HSE application with NAB either through Education Pathway.
- Must have an Active Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) license
- Bachelor’s degree or higher from an HSE-accredited college of university program
- Passing score on the Nursing Home Administrator (NHA) Line of Service (LOS) exam and the Core of Knowledge exams.***
- Successful passing of additional 50 item Resident Care/Assisted Living (RCAL) and Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) exam(s) not previously completed successfully.
- Review within the National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) and finding no disqualifying actions. (Applicants will need to complete a self-query to the NPDB and submit this report to NAB).
- Verification of the completion of a 1,000-hour Administrator in Training (AIT) program (if not completed through your university academic program).
*** While the NHA exam does not have to be successfully passed prior to applying for the HSE, the qualification will not be awarded until this exam is successfully completed. Please keep in mind that should you still need to take your NHA and/or your CORE exam(s), please apply and select Minnesota for approval. NAB does not approve candidates for these exams. BELTSS will approve so an application with BELTSS will be required.
BELTSS will be reviewing the following HSE requirements regardless of the NAB application pathway 1) Career or 2) Education:
- Have an active HSE application with BELTSS.
- NAB verification for the HSE is completed
- Successful passing of the State NHA and ALD exam or HSE exam.
- Criminal background check