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A Health Services Executive (HSE) certificate is a qualification that allows applicants to “fast track” of their license in a HSE approved states. HSE certificate is not a license until the state you are applying to grants an HSE license. An HSE certificate is a portability of qualifications using national standards.

The HSE certification qualification recognizes a common core and unique entry level competencies by line of service. Successful demonstration of this combination of competencies (education, experience, and examination) meets or exceeds the current requirements of licensure to practice as a nursing home administrator (NHA), an assisted living administrator (RCAL), and administrators practicing in the field of home and community-based services (HCBS) in the majority of jurisdictions. 

Currently, as of January 2024 there are 27 states with more expected to come onboard in the next two years. Three states license HSE and the remaining allow the HSE to qualify to meet current NHA licensure requirements.

A new vision for the profession, core + specialized competencies = Licensed Health Service Executive (LHSE). Picture of a chart with Health Service Executive across the top, which spans boxes for NHA, AL, HCBS and has an arrow covering all three. Underneath these are a box labeled "Long Term Care Administration Core Competencies," which has individual arrows pointing at NHA, AL, and HCBS. There are side notes that the HCBS is not currently licensed under BELTSS, and that the Health Services Executive is "NAB qualified HSE license in MN. Requires an application with BELTSS and NAB."

Interested candidates for the Health Services Executive qualification must first register and apply for the HSE through NABVerify at and be NAB HSE qualified prior to applying to BELTSS, the state board, for licensure.

State boards accept the validated HSE qualification and issue the license. Upon NAB approval, the HSE applicant will be approved by NAB to take the required Line of Service Examination(s) to achieve the HSE qualification. 

Upon receiving NAB verification of an approved HSE, you may apply directly to your state board for licensure and NAB will transfer your HSE file to the Minnesota BELTSS Board.

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