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Board Actions - Disciplinary Types

The rules specific to disciplinary action and procedures are MN Rules 6400.6900 & 6400.7095 are the rules which govern  BELTSS disciplinary action and procedures.  These rules are available on the Minnesota Office of the Revisor of Statutes website:

Common Disciplinary Procedures

Corrective Action

This Agreement is a contract between the Complaint Review Committee and the respondent (individual under investigation) in which the respondent agrees to take certain remedial action, usually educational, to correct problems identified in the Complaint Review process. Corrective Action is not disciplinary action, but it is a public document. The Agreement is ratified by the Committee chair and does not require action by the full Board. After the terms of the Agreement have been fulfilled to the Committees satisfaction, the investigation is closed and a public closing letter is sent to the Licensee.

Stipulation and Order

The Stipulation is an agreement between the respondent and the Standards of Practice Committee. The respondent (BELTSS licensed persons) agrees that certain restrictions should be imposed on their license as a result of the Committee having identified areas in which the respondent violated the Minnesota rules and statutes governing their license. The Order is issued by the full Board when it has reviewed and ratified the Stipulation between the Complaint Review Committee and the respondent. The Orders purpose is to implement the terms of the Stipulation. 

 Other Common Actions

Per MN Rule.6400.6900. Subp.2 "If grounds for disciplinary action exist under subpart 1, the board shall take one or more of the following actions:

A. refuse to grant a permit;
B. refuse to grant or renew a license;
C. revoke a license or permit;
D. suspend a license or permit;
E. impose limitations or conditions on a license or permit;
F. censure or reprimand the licensee or permit holder;
G. refuse to permit an applicant to take the licensure examination or refuse to release an applicant's examination score; or
H. any other action authorized by statute* "

Public Corrective and Disciplinary Actions

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