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Policy, Data & Reports

Energy Data & Reports

The following is a list of recent energy studies and reports from the Minnesota Department of Commerce. It includes legislative reports/studies, CARD project reports, meetings, and more.

You may filter the results below using the sort tools in the sidebar. You will need Acrobat Reader or a similar application to read any documents you download.

Two other document databases are available (at right) to help you find what you are looking for:

  • Use our Conservation Applied Research and Development search tool to find the most relevant R&D projects and final reports for your application(s).
  • Use our Commerce Actions and Regulatory Search tool to access public materials related to specific areas of your interest including additional energy data and reports, requests for proposals issued by the Division of Energy Resources, and a variety of other public regulatory or informational documents.

Local Energy Efficiency Program (LEEP) reports are contained in a separate list.

Minnesota Energy Storage Cost-Benefit Analysis This report examines the potential costs and benefits of energy storage systems located in Minnesota.  The analysis was completed for the Minnesota Department of Commerce by Energy and Environmental Economics Inc., pursuant to Minnesota Session Laws, 2019 Special Session 1, Chapter 7. Last Modified: 12/31/2019 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Reports, Tags:
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