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Board Meetings

Board meeting agendas are available for public viewing below, organized by meeting date. Board meeting minutes are posted after approval by the Board the following month. When available, links to Board meeting recordings are posted below. Documents available online are limited to the current and previous fiscal year. Meeting agendas and minutes for Board meetings older than the previous fiscal year are available upon request by emailing

All regularly scheduled, special, and emergency board meetings will be held in-person in the PELSB board room and virtually. Please note, one or more board members may participate virtually.

Unless otherwise noted, meetings will begin at 9:30 A.M., and will move into Closed Session as permitted by section 13D.01, subdivision 2, to discuss ethics and licensure matters involving disciplinary proceedings. Following closed session, the Board will remain in open session for the remainder of the meeting. Links to virtual meetings can be found in each meeting's agenda.

The PELSB Bylaws govern the operating policies and procedures of the Board.

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