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Engaging Students in Renewable Energy

One goal of the Solar for Schools Program is to expand opportunities for students to learn about renewable energy. As the State of Minnesota transitions to a clean energy future, students benefit from having a direct connection to that future by having solar onsite at their schools and having the experience of hands-on learning about renewable energy. 

To receive a Solar for Schools grant, schools must incorporate renewable energy lessons into curriculum for their students. The requirements of that curriculum have been left very open for educators to develop and make their own. As a result, we are seeing many creative ways students are being engaged. 

Need Help?

  • For guidance, use the Solar Curriculum Checklist to ensure you meet grant requirements. [COMING SOON]
  • For help developing and implementing your curriculum, reach out to CERTs
  • For inspiration, explore lesson plans developed by schools and organizations:

Solar curriculum tooklkit 

DOE has funded the creation of the Bright Solar Futures, a three-year curriculum that includes lesson plans, worksheets, syllabi, a scope and sequence and tools and materials lists. Detailed solar energy technology, energy efficiency and weatherization lesson plans for Year 1 of the program are currently available for download. All lesson plans include objectives, key terms, applicable standards, step-by-step instructions for delivering the lesson, and links to additional resources.

<  Reporting Requirements

Media Toolkit  >

Solar for Schools Curriculum Contest

In effort to highlight clean energy curriculum across Minnesota, the Solar for Schools program, in coordination with the Eco Experience, is holding a contest to highlight excellent energy curriculum being created across the state. The winner of this contest would allow for the teacher who developed the lesson along with 4 students or staff to highlight the lesson during the Eco Experience this summer, receiving free tickets to the Minnesota State Fair's Eco Experience. In addition to being highlighted at the Eco Experience, the chosen lesson will be displayed on the Solar for School’s website to be used as an example curriculum for Solar for School’s grantee recipients.

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