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Energy Environmental Review & Analysis
The Minnesota Department of Commerce Energy Environmental Review & Analysis (EERA) unit conducts the environmental review required for proposed energy facilities in Minnesota and serves as technical staff to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in its permitting of energy facilities. These facilities include power plants, transmission lines, wind farms, and pipelines.
The type of environmental review varies with facility type and size, e.g., the review for a large transmission line would be an environmental impact statement and include a contested case hearing.
The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has permitting authority for most energy facilities in Minnesota. It relies on EERA staff to inform its permitting decisions through environmental review, administer the review and analysis of siting and routing applications, make recommendations to the PUC for decisions, and assist with permit compliance.
Commerce Department EERA staff are available to assist citizens, local governments, and agencies with questions about energy facility projects.