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New Energy Programs

The Minnesota Department of Commerce is establishing numerous new state and federal energy programs. Each program is on an independent roll-out timeline and not all programs will launch on the same date. Information and guidance for each program is posted and updated regularly. Additionally, you can subscribe to receive email updates via these helpful newsletters:  

  • Energy Specific Funding Opportunities newsletter provides updates for organizations such as local & tribal governments, utilities, businesses, communities, non-profits, advocacy groups and other entities. Primary topics: state & federal programs.
  • Consumer Announcements newsletter provides updates for individuals including consumers, homeowners, renters and the general public. Primary topics: rebates, grants, incentives.


Electric Vehicle Rebates

To provide rebates to new and used electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles

Heat Pump Rebate Program

To supplement federal heat pump rebates.

Residential Electric Panel Grants

To support residential electric panel upgrades

Pre‐weatherization, weatherization, and workforce training

To improve Minnesota housing to allow additional households to qualify for Federal Weatherization Program and to train workers to participate

On‐Site Energy Storage Systems Installation Incentives

To award grants to install energy storage systems

Strengthen Minnesota Homes 

Protecting Minnesotans' homes against extreme weather events by making them more climate resilient

Community Solar Gardens

To support administration of a revised community solar garden program 

Home Energy Rebates

Federal rebates to make homes more energy efficient and to support home electrification.


Electric School Bus Grants

To accelerate the deployment of electric school buses and related electric vehicle infrastructure at schools

Solar for Schools (colleges)

To support state colleges and universities with solar adoption

Solar for Schools

To support K-12 schools with solar adoption

School Air Ventilation (HVAC) Program Grants

To support assessments, testing, and equipment upgrades for an air ventilation pilot program in schools

For Utilities, Businesses, & Other Entities

State Competitiveness Fund

Matching grants to enable the use of federal grants, low-interest loans, and clean energy tax credits

Minnesota Climate Innovation Finance Authority

"Green Bank” to provide grants and loans for clean energy projects 

Solar on Public Buildings

To support public buildings in Xcel Energy electric service territory with solar adoption 

Benchmarking Energy Use Data

To develop a benchmarking program for buildings >50,000 sq ft in the 7 county Twin Cities Metro area and Rochester

Electric Grid Resilience Grants

To provide financial assistance to electric utilities

Auto Dealers EV Grant Program

To provide grants to automobile dealers seeking certification to sell electric vehicles

Distributed Energy Upgrade Grants

To fund upgrades on the distributed energy resource system to support interconnection of distributed generation in Xcel Energy territory 

Geothermal Planning Grants

To provide grants to counties, cities, towns or the Met Council for geothermal planning across Minnesota. 

SolarApp+ Permitting Incentive

To provide financial incentives and technical assistance to local units of government to adopt the SolarAPP+ solar permitting platform. [COMING SOON]

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