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Minnesota Clean Energy Community Awards

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The Clean Energy Community Awards are an acknowledgment of the work done by Minnesota communities to further the state’s clean energy goals by implementing programs, policies, and technologies that encourage energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy generation.

The awards program is sponsored by the Minnesota Commerce Department.

Seven Minnesota communities received 2018 Clean Energy Community Awards at the Community Driven Clean Energy Conference on March 28 at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center.

Minnesota’s Clean Energy Goals

Minnesota has a number of clean energy goals, including:

  • Minnesota Next Generation Energy Act
  • Renewable Electricity Standard
  • Solar Electricity Standard
  • Petroleum Replacement Goal
  • Biofuel and Biodiesel Content Mandates

Achievement Awards

city of red wing ceca winners

City of Red Wing
Project: Green Wing Energy Action Plan
The City of Red Wing teamed up with Xcel Energy to develop the “Green Wing Energy Action Plan” to help residents and business owners save energy while promoting renewable energy.

town of crystal bay ceca winners

Town of Crystal Bay
Project: Solar Capital of the Continental USA
The Town of Crystal Bay (Lake County) adopted a comprehensive land use plan that includes energy conservation and alternative energy production as one of its goals for community development and sustainability.

winona ceca winners

Sustain Winona
Project: Moving Winona County Forward: A Rural Energy Collaboration
Members of the Sustain Winona Coalition and Winona’s Energy Action Team have increased community-wide adoption of energy efficiency and conservation by bringing together community partners across Winona County as part of the Moving Winona County Forward energy collaboration.

edina ceca winners

City of Edina
Project: Edina’s Electricity Action Plan
In 2017, Edina’s Energy & Environment Commission, city staff, the Center for Energy and Environment and Xcel Energy collaborated to create an Electricity Action Plan and execute multiple strategies to meet four goals around energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Planning Awards

hennepin county ceca winners

Hennepin County
Project: Hennepin County Building Energy Benchmarking Collaborative
Hennepin County has planned a program that will provide technical resources for small to mid-sized cities to implement energy benchmarking programs.

warren ceca winner

City of Warren
Project: City Benchmarking Initiative
The City of Warren has begun the development of an automated benchmarking program that will initially track utility usage of its buildings in B3 Benchmarking, with the potential to expand to private commercial buildings and residential households.

mankato state university ceca winners

Minnesota State Mankato
Project: Campus-Wide Energy Savings—Sustainability Project
Minnesota State University-Mankato awarded an $8.1 million Energy Savings Performance Contract for 31 campus buildings and various parking lots, sidewalks and roadways on campus. This project will help the University save more than $404,000 annually in energy and avoided operational and maintenance costs over 18 years.

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