The state is divided into five distinct regions for the purpose of industry outreach. Each area is administered by an Industry Relations team member serving as the agency contact and resource for businesses, organizations and communities within their region.
View the Explore Minnesota Resource Guide here
Kari Brumback
121 7th Place East, Suite 360
St. Paul, MN 55101
Counties in Northwest and Central: Aitkin, Becker, Beltrami, Benton, Cass, Clay, Clearwater, Crow Wing, Douglas, Grant, Hubbard, Kandiyohi, Kittson, Lake of the Woods, Mahnomen, Marshall, McLeod, Meeker, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Norman, Otter Tail, Pennington, Polk, Pope, Red Lake, Roseau, Sherburne, Stearns, Stevens, Todd, Wadena, Wilkin
Derek Ramthun
121 7th Place East, Suite 360
St. Paul, MN 55101
Counties in Northeast: Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Kanabec, Koochiching, Lake, Pine, St. Louis
Michael Hernandez
121 7th Place East, Suite 360
St. Paul, MN 55101
Counties in Metro: Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Hennepin, Isanti, Ramsey, Scott, Washington, Wright
Lisa Havelka
121 7th Place East, Suite 360
St. Paul, MN 55101
Counties in Southern: Big Stone, Blue Earth, Brown, Chippewa, Cottonwood, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, Jackson, Lac qui Parle, Le Sueur, Lincoln, Lyon, Martin, Mower, Murray, Nicollet, Nobles, Olmsted, Pipestone, Redwood, Renville, Rice, Rock, Sibley, Steele, Swift, Traverse, Wabasha, Waseca, Watonwan, Winona, Yellow Medicine.
Nicole Lalum
121 7th Place East, Suite 360
St. Paul, MN 55101