
As a state employee, you have access to one of the most affordable health insurance plans in Minnesota, along with other benefits to help you and your family be well.
Below are highlights of medical and prescription drug coverage under the Minnesota Advantage Health Plan. It includes low cost and free care for people with diabetes, fertility treatments including IVF, low cost and free mental health care, getting care online, care when you travel, and more. The rate guide, benefit chart, and benefits summary documents have details.
If you signed up for the Advantage High Deductible Plan, see your plan documents below for details on how your coverage works.
Learn About and Choose PCCs

Every person covered by state employee health insurance must designate a primary care clinic (PCC). This clinic is the hub for the care you need.
The cost level of that clinic determines in part how much you pay when you get care. If you want to change PCCs during the year, just call the number on the back of your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota or HealthPartners ID card.
Use the Find a Clinic search tool on the clinic directory page to learn more.