Discrimination Hotline 1-833-454-0148
We investigate violations of the Minnesota Human Rights Act, the state's civil rights law.
If you believe you experienced discrimination, please complete this form. The information goes directly to staff at the Minnesota Department of Human Rights who will determine if what you experienced falls under the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
If it doesn’t, the Minnesota Department of Human Rights will not be able to complete a charge of discrimination or start an investigation. However, staff may be able to provide any resources and/or direct you to the right place. For example, if you believe you are experiencing problems with wages, we can refer you to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry. If you believe you are the victim of a crime, including a hate crime, we will refer you to the police. If you need help with unemployment or cash assistance programs, we will refer you to the right agency.
To request an Attorney Drafted Charge Packet with complete instructions, copies of all forms, a fill-in charge form, discrimination questionnaire, and sample charges, send an email with your name and attorney license number to CaseProcessing.MDHR@state.mn.us. You must include your license number before we can send you a packet.
If you have any questions, call us at 651-539-1100.