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Education Programs for Nursing Home Administrators

The Minnesota Board requires approved academic programs to maintain a high standard in the initial education and training of the executive administrator for long term care supports and services. Even though the current credential is that of a licensed nursing home administrator, the approved curriculum does not focus solely on the skilled nursing facility but knowledge, skills, and tasks to create person-centered environments for all Minnesota citizens, with a concentration of older adult services, regardless of their preferred residency and the services offered.

Applicants need to carefully consider either a NAB accredited or a Minnesota approved program in meeting this higher entry-level education requirement for the licensed nursing home administrator/executive administrator. Some of the approved programs, may have additional coursework or may have imbedded the MN Assisted Living core requirements into the academic programs to meet the Assisted Living Director license.

Note: Specific course numbers are subject to change and should be verified with the Program Director at the school or with the BELTSS office staff. The majority of courses offered by each institution are available online or in blended environments.

BELTSS Approved Education NHA Programs

Accredited programs at Minnesota academic institutions.

NAB Accredited Colleges

Minnesota also accepts completion of long-term care curricula completed at the following educational institutions approved by The National Association of Examiners of Long-Term Care Administrators (NAB).

Official Transcript Request

Requesting official transcripts from accredited colleges or other institutions.

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