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ADA Exam Accommodations

The Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") covers "public entities." The Board of Executives of Long Term Services and Supports is a "public entity" covered by the ADA. The Board may not refuse to allow a person with a disability to take the examination simply because the person has a disability. It must permit persons with disabilities to take the examination in an integrated setting unless separate or different measures are necessary to ensure equal opportunity. It must eliminate unnecessary eligibility standards or rules that deny individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to take the examination.

Alternative Arrangements

The ADA requires this agency to make "reasonable accommodations" for applicants with disabilities in giving this examination. If you are a person with a disability that may affect your ability to enter the examination facility or to take any portion of the examination, the ADA may require the agency to provide alternative examination arrangements. We are not required to do so if we are unaware of your need for alternatives. Based on the above description of the examination facilities and the examination itself, we ask that you inform us of any alternative arrangements you may require to take this examination.
To request an accommodation for the state examination, please complete the following form: Request an ADA accommodations.  You will also be required to submit an accommodation through NAB for the national examinations you are required to take for licensure. 


If you have any questions about the ADA we encourage you to call the United States Department of Justice, which has an ADA information line, at (202)514-0301 (voice) or (202)514-0381/0383 (TDD). These telephone numbers are not toll-free numbers.
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