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Temporary Permit

When the controlling persons of an assisted living designates an unlicensed individual to be the Permitted Director of Record, the individual must apply for an Assisted Living Director In Residence to secure a permit within 30 days of the date of the designation.  The board shall issue a temporary permit to serve a facility as a permitted assisted living director for up to 12 months from date of issuance of permit.  In order to be issued the temporary residency permit to serve as the Assisted Living Director at a facility, the applicant must have been issued the Health Facility Identification (HFID) number unique to the facility in which the person will be in charge.  The temporary permit is issued to the individual and assigned to the specific HFID facility.  Temporary permits are not transferable to other facilities.   For questions related to HFID or how to obtain the HFID, please visit the Minnesota Department of Health website or email your HFID question to

A temporary Permit is non-renewal beyond the 12 months for which it was issued and is not transferable to another facility without board approval.  Residency permits CANNOT be extended or reissued upon expiring.  It is expected the Permit holder to become licensed by the expiration date of the permit.  If a permitted individual leaves the facility, they must notify the board and provide the expected date of leaving the position.

Qualifications to receive a temporary permit:

  • Meets education requirements of a high school diploma AND a minimum of one year experience before a permit is issued.
  • Has experience in the management of an assisted living facility or related or program or is enrolled with a course program approved by the board within six months of designation
  • is in good standing in each jurisdiction applicant has received a health care license
  • has successfully completed a criminal background check under Chapter 214.075
  • Has established a mentor relationship with a Licensed Assisted Living Director (LALD) or a Health Services Executive (LHSE) for the duration of the permit issued.

To apply for a temporary Permit, the individual designee should submit an application for Assisted Living Director In Residence (ALDIR) in the online portal.  Once the board receives the application, a temporary permit agreement will be sent to the applicant.  The owner must sign the Permit agreement attesting they understand they have hired or designated an unlicensed individual to be the Permitted Director of Record.  The Mentor will also need to sign the Permit agreement attesting they agree to mentor the unlicensed individual.  An applicant must complete the ALDIR application, an owner may not submit the application on the designee/applicant behalf.  The application requires attestations that may only be answered by the applicant. To apply, you must register as a new user and submit an application for Assisted Living Director In Residence (ALDIR) Watch for an email with further instructions to obtain the permit.

Temporary Permit Agreement


To change your application and request the temporary permit, you must complete the application change form and pay the additional fee of $225.  This fee includes the cost of the initial permit and the state examination attempt.  Applicants who applied as an ALDIR have already been sent the permit application information and do not need to complete this form.  This is ONLY for those who applied through the ALD-Education pathway.  To change your initial application, please complete the permit request form.

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