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Active Licensees

Director of Record / License Certificate

Notification of changes in employment, displaying your license, and replace a lost license.

Shared Director Assignment

Licensees who serve as directors for up to five (5) facilities must obtain a secondary (shared) license from the board so that they can display their license at each facility that they are the director.

License Renewals

The Minnesota Board of Executives for Long-Term Services and Supports (BELTSS) issues Assisted Living Director (ALD) licenses annually for the year running from September 1 to October 31.

License Verification

Specifics for verifying a license.

Continuing Education

Requirements, attestation record form and activity list, approved continuing education list, and audits.

Mentor/Employment Interest

The Mentor should ensure the ALDIR complies with the domains of practice, the NAB training manual and insure the ALDIR has experience with professional practice analysis.

License Reinstatement

If your license has lapsed, you may apply for reinstatement within five years of the date of last licensure.

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