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Legislative Board Members

Pursuant to Minn. Statutes, Section 15.1045, subd. 2(c), four legislators are voting members of each council Board. The speaker of the house and the house minority leader shall each appoint one member to each council. The Subcommittee on Committees of the senate Committee on Rules and Administration shall appoint one member of the majority caucus and one member of the minority caucus to each council. 

For more information about these legislative Board members, click their profiles. To view past members of the Council's legislative Board, click here

Photograph of Representative Liz  Lee
Representative Liz Lee
Term: January 2023 to NA
(DFL) District 67A
Photograph of Representative Jim  Nash
Representative Jim Nash
Term: February 2021 to NA
(R) District 48A
Photograph of Senator Susan  Pha
Senator Susan Pha
Term: March 2023 to NA
(DFL) District 38
Photograph of Senator Eric  Pratt
Senator Eric Pratt
Term: March 2019 to NA
(R) District 55
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