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2023-2024 Legislative Agenda

Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 15.0145, the Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans is a state agency created to advise the Legislature and the Governor on issues of importance to Asian Pacific Minnesotans, advocate on behalf of this community on these issues, and serve as a bridge between Minnesotans of Asian and Pacific Islander ancestries.

Priority Issues*

The Council will actively track and pursue legislation in the following areas:

  • Mental health and/or substance abuse
  • Higher education
  • Equity
  • Achievement gap
  • Healthcare access
Ongoing Positions
In addition to the above legislative priorities derived from community input, the Council will actively advocate for legislation that achieves the following:
  • Programs and services that are respectful of and responsive to the linguistically and culturally diverse communities of Minnesota, including Asian Pacific Minnesotans.
  • Collection of disaggregated data to better inform policymaking on issues of importance to Asian Pacific Minnesotans.
  • Increased understanding of violence against Minnesota’s Asian Pacific women and children.
Approved by the Board on November 17, 2022
*These issues were identified as high priorities by participants of the 2022 Legislative Priorities Survey.
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