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News and Announcements

The latest news and announcements from the Minnesota Board of Nursing.

Scam and Fraud Alert

8/26/2020 7:36:17 AM

The Minnesota Board of Nursing has been made aware that some licensees from other health licensing boards, in addition to the Board of Nursing, have been contacted by individuals claiming they are with that board. These contacts send official appearing letters stating the provider's license is suspended due to illegal activity. This may be followed by a phone call requesting money for a bond payment to be sent via electronic wire transfer. The phone number of the caller displayed on caller ID is the Board's number 612-317-3000 using a caller ID spoofing technique. This technology is used by scammers and targets many organizations. If you experience this, please contact the board directly and report these calls. The Board appreciates any specific information which may be useful in addressing the calls. 

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