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Mission Functions and Goals of the Board

Mission, Vision and Values of the Board

Mission of the Board

The mission of the Minnesota Board of Nursing is to protect the public's health and safety through regulation of nursing education, licensure and practice.

The Board strives to achieve its mission by:

Carrying out activities authorized by Minnesota statutes and rules (licensing, discipline, and program approval)

Fostering knowledge relevant to the needs of the public and to the education and practice of nursing

Formulating and influencing effective public policy related to nursing practice

Pursuing collaborative alliances with publics, including consumers of nursing care, nurses, employers, educators, state agencies, and legislators

Disseminating information to the public and to nurses

Operating an agency which utilizes human and fiscal resources efficiently and effectively


The Minnesota Board of Nursing will be a leader in effective nursing regulation by creating, administering and sharing innovative regulatory practices.


Trust - integrating the obligation of confidence and authority expected of the Board by the public

Integrity - enforcing laws and rules ethically

Responsiveness - taking the initiative to communicate openly

Accountability - committing to public safety

Collaboration - pursuing alliances with internal and external stakeholders

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