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Comprehensive Plans

Minnesota statute chapter 401 outlines the community supervision funding formula and the requirements for comprehensive plans that will assist local communities and the state to better understand how community supervision services are provided.  A comprehensive plan developed by each county or groups of counties formed by a Joint Powers Agreement is required to be posted on the Minnesota Department of Corrections public website upon approval from the Commissioner of Corrections. Some counties have submitted two comprehensive plans reflecting supervision services at the local level which represents misdemeanant, gross misdemeanant and juvenile cases and another comprehensive plan developed by the state which represents supervision services for felony, supervised release, and intensive supervised release cases. Below are the comprehensive plans that have been approved by the Commissioner of Corrections. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that state and local governments provide individuals with disabilities with effective communication, reasonable modifications, and an equal opportunity to participate in or benefit from their services, programs, and activities. Please contact local jurisdiction(s) to receive the comprehensive plans in an alternative format.

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