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Board Mission

The Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine is the licensing agency for veterinarians in the state of Minnesota and was established by the Minnesota Legislature in 1893. The seven members of the Board are appointed by the Governor to four-year terms; five members are licensed veterinarians and two are public members.

The mission of the Board is to promote, preserve, and protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and animals through the effective control and regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine.


The Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine is an equal opportunity Employer. 

Upcoming Board Meeting

The next scheduled special meeting of the Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, 2025  at 10:30 AM. This meeting may be cancelled if there is nothing for the agenda. If you would like attend, please contact the Board office at 

License Renewal Notice

October 1, 2024

Licenses with license numbers ending in an odd number must be renewed by March 1, 2025.  License renewal will open on November 1, 2024.  Online renewal will be available for payment by credit card at the Board's License Renewal page.

ALERT!! Phishing Scam!  Phone Scam! Letter Scam!

The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine (Board) does not discuss or request any confidential matters over the phone.  Due to the Minnesota Data Practices Act, all confidential communications with the Board are handled through written correspondence.  Be wary of phone calls demanding confidential information such as Social Security numbers or threatening legal or criminal action against you.  Scammers are able to mimic known phone numbers in your caller ID making it appear that the Board is calling you.  You are encouraged to hang up and contact the Board directly if you receive a suspicious call.  If a caller threatens that your license will be taken away unless you "pay now"; do not pay.  The Board will never call you to request money.   You may find more information in this Press Release from the DEA.
New Information has been reported that these scammers have morphed different Boards' letterhead and even the Executive Director's signature.  If you receive a threatening letter from the Board demanding action for which you have not received prior notice, call the Board directly before taking any action demanded in the letter.

February 1, 2023 Federal Regulatory Resumption of FDA Ban on VCPR Establishment via Telemedicine

 December 29, 2022

As summarized in AVMA’s Animal Health  December 23, 2022 Animal Health Brief, as of February. 21, 2023, the FDA will lift pandemic-era flexibility for veterinary telemedicine and resume enforcement of the federal requirement that animals have an in-person examination or site visit to establish a veterinarian-client-patient relationship for certain activities, such as extra label drug use and release of veterinary feed directives. Under the rule, a VCPR cannot be established via telemedicine, though an existing VCPR may include telemedicine between medically appropriate examinations and site visits. FDA to resume enforcement of all federal VCPR requirements for veterinary telemedicine | American Veterinary Medical Association (

2019 Medication-Related Legislative Changes Affecting Veterinarians

There are 4 important sections of new law which go into effect on July 1, 2019 that practicing veterinarians need to be aware of.

  • Opioids
  • Pharmacy Fee-Splitting with Veterinarians
  • Emergency Drug Refills
  • Compounded Medications for Urgent Care

safeTALK Training - Preventing Suicide in Agricultural Communities

When a neighbor’s tractor gets stuck, you don’t hesitate to help. But when you see a family member, friend, or client stuck in a rut—and possibly suicidal—it can be daunting to try and help and can leave you feeling powerless. 

Suicide is a significant public health issue in Minnesota. It involves the tragic loss of human life and causes agonizing grief, fear, and confusion in families and communities. The impact can even extend across generations.

This training focuses teaches in-depth skills you can learn in half a day. You’ll learn how to recognize someone having thoughts of suicide, how to engage them, and how to make sure they get help. This evidence-based training is effective for people as young as 15.  All six sessions will include a unit specially designed to address stigma associated with suicide and mental illness among farmers and farm workers. 

Click here to read more about this course.

To register, please visit:

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