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How to File a Complaint

Complaint Registration Form and Records Waiver Authorization

  • A complaint is a report that a veterinarian or non-veterinarian may have violated the Veterinary Practice Act
  • The Board’s authority to investigate complaints is limited to:
    • Individuals licensed with the Board of Veterinary Medicine
    • Applicants for licensure with the Board of Veterinary Medicine
    • Individuals practicing veterinary medicine without a license
    • Professional firms registered to practice veterinary medicine
    • NOTE: Veterinary technicians are not licensed or registered in Minnesota.
  • To file a complaint, download the Complaint Registration Form
    • A complaint must be filed in writing
    • Complaints may be submitted via email attachment, fax, or mail
    • Please make sure you have signed the documents before sending them to the Board office
  • Submit the Complaint Registration Form with a detailed description of your concerns and any information you think the Board should know. Use as many pages as needed. For example:
    • Provide as much detail about the people involved as you can (full name, address, phone       number, place of employment, license number if known, etc.)
    • What happened? Who did what, where, when, and why?
    • Were others involved? If so, describe each person’s involvement or role.
    • Arrange information in order by date or some other logical way as if you are explaining the situation to someone who knows nothing about it
    • If the animal was seen by another veterinary clinic before or after these events, include the name and location of the clinic.
    • Include past health history of the animal if relevant.
    • If you were provided with components of the medical record from the veterinarian who is the subject of the complaint, please include copies or scans of those records.
    • Include copies of any documents, photos, videos, advertisements, or websites that might help the Board understand your complaint.
  • For complete information, review the following resources:

Please contact the Board if you have any questions.
Fax: 651-201-2842
U.S. mail: Board of Veterinary Medicine, 335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 215, St. Paul, MN 55102
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