License & Registration Renewal for 2025 remains open. All non-renewed Minnesota Doctor of Chiropractic Licenses, Professional Firms, and Animal Chiropractic Registrations have expired as of January 1 and renewal penalties per Minn. R. 2500.1100 have been imposed. Practicing Chiropractic under a non-renewed license is considered grounds for discipline Minn. Stat. 148.10 Subd. 1 (a) (7). Click Renew Your License to complete renewal.
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As of January 1, 2018, all applicants for licensure must undergo a fingerprint based Criminal Background Check (CBC) through the BCA and FBI as part of the application process. The related fee will be included along with your application fee.
As of May 23, 2019, any license that has lapsed for more than one year, shall also complete a fingerprint based Criminal Background Check (CBC) as part of the application or reinstatement process. The related fee will be included along with your application fee.
See the CBC tab for more information.
In order to be authorized to practice chiropractic in the State of Minnesota, a person must receive a license from the Board by meeting the following requirements:*
* These requirements are subject to change through appropriate legislative or rulemaking procedures. The material above is purely informational. The specific requirements for licensure can be found in Minnesota Statutes 148.06, and Minnesota Rules 2500.0700, 2500.0720, and 2500.1000
** Portions of the academic requirements, such as Part IV of the National Board exam, may be waived if the board determines that the applicant has the qualifications equivalent to those required of other applicants. See "Transfer from Another State" below.
The following persons may be exempt from the license requirement per Minnesota Statute 148.105, Subd 5:
(1) a student practicing under the direct supervision of a preceptor while the student is enrolled in and regularly attending a recognized chiropractic college or chiropractic program;
(2) a student who is in continuing training and performing the duties of an intern or resident or engaged in postgraduate work considered by the board to be the equivalent of an internship or residency in any institution approved for training by the board;
(3) a doctor of chiropractic licensed in another state or jurisdiction who is in actual consultation in Minnesota;
(4) a doctor of chiropractic licensed in another state or jurisdiction who is in this state for the sole purpose of providing chiropractic services at a competitive athletic event. The doctor of chiropractic may practice chiropractic only on participants in the athletic event;
(5) a doctor of chiropractic licensed in another state or jurisdiction whose duties are entirely of a research, public health, or educational character and while directly engaged in such duties, and who is employed in a scientific, sanitary, or teaching capacity by: (i) an accredited institution; (ii) a public or private school, college, or other bona fide educational institution; (iii) a nonprofit organization which has tax-exempt status in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3), and is organized and operated primarily for the purpose of conducting scientific research; or (iv) the state department of health;
(6) a doctor of chiropractic licensed in another state or jurisdiction who treats the doctor of chiropractic's home state patients or other participating patients while the doctor of chiropractic and those patients are participating together in outdoor recreation in this state as defined by section 86A.03, subdivision 3; and
(7) a person licensed in another state or jurisdiction who is a commissioned officer of, a member of, or employed by the armed forces of the United States, the United States Public Health Service, the Veterans Administration, any federal institution, or any federal agency while engaged in the performance of official duties within this state.
The Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners (MBCE) approves eligible applicants for licensure on the 1st of every month. All items listed above, as well as any additional items the MBCE deems necessary, are due by midnight on the fourth business day prior to the end of the month. (No exceptions.)
October, November, and December applicants:
If you are applying for licensure at the end of the calendar year, and would prefer to be licensed on January 1 of the next year, to avoid a renewal payment on December 31; you must notify the MBCE in writing prior to issuance of your license
Applicants who have a lapsed Minnesota DC license, please visit our website at "Reinstate Your License" to view requirements for the reinstatement of your Minnesota license.
Note, any license that is lapsed for longer than one year will require completion of a fingerprint based Criminal Background Check (CBC) through the FBI and BCA. See the CBC tab.
Below is a list of some of the fees you may encounter as a Doctor of Chiropractic in Minnesota.
Active and Inactive licenses must be renewed annually on or before December 31 of each year. Renewal notices are emailed mid-November, when the renewal system has been opened. To ensure that the Renewal Notices and Renewal Reminders are received, and per Minn. R. 2500.1150, Doctors of Chiropractic must keep the Board advised of their current address and email within 30 days of any change.
License renewal requires completion of the appropriate continuing education prior to completion of the online renewal. Failure to renewal prior to December 31, will result in the expiration of the license as of January 1 and penalty fees per Minn. R. 2500.1100. Continued failure to renew the expired license will result in the license to be terminated and will require reinstatement with additional requirements. Contact the Board office for more information.