License & Registration Renewal for 2025 remains open. All non-renewed Minnesota Doctor of Chiropractic Licenses, Professional Firms, and Animal Chiropractic Registrations have expired as of January 1 and renewal penalties per Minn. R. 2500.1100 have been imposed. Practicing Chiropractic under a non-renewed license is considered grounds for discipline Minn. Stat. 148.10 Subd. 1 (a) (7). Click Renew Your License to complete renewal.
An Independent Examiner (IE) is a doctor of chiropractic, who also conducts a physical examination of a patient or a review of records for the purpose of generating a report or opinion to aid a reparation obligor. . . regarding the condition or further treatment of the patient. . . (A reparation obligor in this case generally means an insurance company paying benefits for a patient who has been injured in an automobile accident.) Minnesota Statute 148.09 and Minn. Rule 2500.1160 has placed certain requirements on those doctors of chiropractic wishing to perform these services.
In general, those persons wishing to perform this service must be licensed to practice in Minnesota and have been in practice for the two years immediately preceding registration. Additionally, they must either be a full time instructor at a chiropractic college or have been involved in direct patient care for 50 percent of the time spent in practice for the two years immediately preceding the examination of a patient. In addition, the IE is prohibited from accepting a fee in excess of $500 for the exam conducted. Any registration must precede an examination by at least thirty days. An Independent Examiner Application may be acquired through this website or by calling the Board office at 651-201-2850. The application must be accompanied by the appropriate fee. Applications must be approved 30 days prior to performance of the first independent examination.
Licensees wishing to continue performing independent examinations, must submit an Independent Examiner Renewal Application, which may be completed through online services or by calling the Board office at 651-201-2850. NOTE: SPECIAL PROVISIONS PERTAINING TO A WAIVER OF SUCH REQUIREMENTS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL WHO ARE, OR HAVE RECENTLY BEEN, ACTIVELY DEPLOYED MAY BE FOUND AT 326.55 and 326.56
If any part of the above information conflicts with the Minnesota rules or laws, the rules or laws take precedence. (See Hyperlinks) It is your responsibility to understand and comply with the regulations. Please call the Board office at 651-201-2850 if you have any questions.
Coming soon! The online system will soon allow online applications! Until then, you may download the appropriate form below in Adobe Acrobat. Some of these forms allow you to fill them out online and print them. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may download it at no cost form Adobe Acrobat. Please click on the form that you need: