License & Registration Renewal for 2025 remains open. All non-renewed Minnesota Doctor of Chiropractic Licenses, Professional Firms, and Animal Chiropractic Registrations have expired as of January 1 and renewal penalties per Minn. R. 2500.1100 have been imposed. Practicing Chiropractic under a non-renewed license is considered grounds for discipline Minn. Stat. 148.10 Subd. 1 (a) (7). Click Renew Your License to complete renewal.
Minnesota law requires a fingerprint-based Criminal Background Check (CBC) Minn. Stat. § 214.075 for all applicants for initial licensure or reinstatement of lapsed licensure. Fingerprints are crosschecked with the databases of the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The Minnesota Health Professionals' Regulatory Boards have established the Criminal Background Check (CBC) Program to help you efficiently complete this mandatory background check. When you apply for licensure/reinstatement, the CBC fee will be added to your application fee and paid at the same time. Upon receipt of your application and fee, you will be emailed a packet from the CBC office containing additional information and directions. The time required to complete a CBC varies with the workload at the BCA and cannot be expedited. During periods of high volume, the BCA’s search of records may take weeks. Please direct any questions you have about the CBC process to the CBC Program staff.
The CBC report is good for one year from the date the Board receives it. If the report expires, you will need to submit a new CBC request and fee. Consider this timeline if your application may take longer than one year. For example, if you are not due to graduate for more than eight months. Additionally, any applicant who refuses a criminal background check will be denied a license.
Previously taken fingerprints cannot be used. Criminal history reports cannot be shared between agencies or used for multiple license applications per statute. Please direct any questions you have about the CBC process to the CBC Program staff.
If you dispute the results of your criminal history report and wish to challenge it's contents, direct your request to the CBC staff.
Effective May 23, 2019, the Legislature enacted the requirement for a full fingerprint Criminal Background Check (CBC) for any license that has been lapsed for over one year. This includes licenses that are suspended, revoked, or terminated for non-renewal / continuing education audit failure. The one year begins on the date the license is removed from "active" status. This does not apply to statuses in which the license is allowed to continue to practice: Inactive (practicing in another jurisdiction), Conditioned , Probation, or Stayed-Suspension.