Rule Variance
What is it?
A Rule Variance per
Minn. R. 2500.5050 is when an entity under the jurisdiction of the MBCE requests that a specific rule be varied in its current format to accommodate a situation which either does not entirely fit into the rule, or was unable to be anticipated when the rule was written, or for other extenuating circumstances. The MBCE has this authority under
Minn. Stat. 148.08.
How to obtain it?
To request that the MBCE vary one of its rules, you must complete the
Rule Variance Request Form and send it with sufficient supporting documentation by
mail or email to the MBCE.
When is it due?
There is no due date for a Rule Variance request. When MBCE receives a request, it is put on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the MBCE's Executive Committee. If the Rule Variance is received less than one week prior to an upcoming meeting, it will be forwarded to the next meeting. A notice of determination will be sent by USPS mail and email to the requestor following the meeting.