License & Registration Renewal for 2025 remains open. All non-renewed Minnesota Doctor of Chiropractic Licenses, Professional Firms, and Animal Chiropractic Registrations have expired as of January 1 and renewal penalties per Minn. R. 2500.1100 have been imposed. Practicing Chiropractic under a non-renewed license is considered grounds for discipline Minn. Stat. 148.10 Subd. 1 (a) (7). Click Renew Your License to complete renewal.
An inactive license is specifically for those practitioners who are in active practice elsewhere. A license may be placed in Inactive status upon application to the Board. A practitioner may only place their license in Inactive status if it is current in fees, renewal, and is not the subject of current disciplinary action.
The potential benefits of an inactive status are the reduced renewal fee, and the waiving of continuing education (CE) requirements. CE is not required within the effective year of your Inactive status. For example, if your Inactive application is approved in 2019; you do not need CE for 2019. However, if your application for Inactive status is received and approved in 2020 (even as early as January 1); you will need to show 2019 CE, but you would not need to show 2020 CE.
A Doctor of Chiropractic MAY NOT provide chiropractic services in the State of Minnesota while on Inactive status. Inactive licenses must be renewed annually.
NOTE: There are exemptions for military personnel who are, or have recently been, actively deployed. See Minnesota Statutes 326.55 and 326.56.
Only licenses in a renewed Active status may apply for an Inactive status. If you are seeking to change status at the end of the year, and prior to the renewal of your license - you MUST submit your application for Inactive status, allowing at least 2 weeks for review and approval by the Board prior to December 31. Applications received after December 31, will require completion of an ACTIVE renewal with payment of the ACTIVE renewal fee, all required continuing education, and any applicable late renewal penalties, prior to being approved.
If your application for INACTIVE status is received and approved prior to December 31 (as is recommended); you would only need to complete the INACTIVE renewal with the reduced renewal fee to maintain your Inactive status into the new year.
RENEWAL is required dependent on your status on December 31, either a $200 active renewal or a $150 inactive renewal.
Before December 31 (if not renewed)
After December 31 (if not renewed)
1. Submit Application for Inactive Status (allow 2 weeks for processing)
1. Complete online ACTIVE renewal ($200 renewal fee, renewal form, all CE, any applicable late renewal fees)
2. Complete online INACTIVE renewal if status change is approved before December 31 ($150 renewal fee, renewal form, no CE)
2. Submit Application for Inactive Status (will be effective in the new year)
An application to go Inactive may be submitted any time of the year. However, if it is just prior to the renewal of your license, you are strongly encouraged to submit it at least 2 weeks in advance of December 31, to allow time for the Board to process and approve it. A license status change can only occur on an "Active" and current license. Applications received after December 31 will require completion of the ACTIVE renewal, all required continuing education, and any applicable late renewal penalties before being approved, and the Inactive status will be effective for the new year.
CE is not required for Minnesota within the effective year of your Inactive status. For example, if your Inactive application is approved in 2019; you do not need Minnesota CE for 2019. However, if your application for Inactive status is received and approved in 2020 (even as early as January 1); you will need to show 2019 CE, but will not need to show 2020 CE. Keep in mind that you MUST be practicing in another state or jurisdiction to go Inactive, and you must comply with the CE requirements for that jurisdiction or complete at least 12 hours per year, which ever is greater (per M.R. 2500.2040).
The short answer is NO. You must either complete your Active renewal online first and then apply for the Inactive status; or submit your Application to go Inactive with 2 weeks processing time for approval and THEN complete your online renewal as Inactive. DO NOT SEND A RENEWAL PAYMENT BY CHECK with your Application for Inactive status.
One benefit of having your Minnesota license in Inactive status, is that you need not complete 20 hours of MN approved CE. However, you are required to keep up on your CE in the state or jurisdiction in which you are practicing, or complete a minimum of 12 hours per year, whichever is greater. Additionally, in the year prior to your application to reinstate to an Active status in Minnesota, you will be asked to show 20 hours of continuing education. Please refer to MN Rule 2500.2040 for the specific law.
You are not authorized to practice in Minnesota under an Inactive license. To practice in Minnesota, you must first reinstate your Inactive license to an Active status. Please visit the license reinstatement page for more information. NOTE: There are some very specific situational exceptions to licensure requirement in Minnesota Statute 148.105, subd 2.