Update to Older Americans Act Title III Regulations - Minnesota policies and procedures
U.S. Administration on Community Living (ACL) requires states to solicit public input when there are significant changes to the State Plan on Aging. On Feb. 6, 2024, ACL released a final rule to update the regulations for implementing the Older Americans Act Title III Programs. The regulations took effect on March 15, 2024, and State Units on Aging have until Oct. 1, 2025, to comply.
In response to the final rule, The Minnesota Board on Aging (MBA), the designated State Unit on Aging, in consultation with seven Minnesota Area Agencies on Aging, drafted over 50 policies and procedures to address administering and operating Older Americans Act Title III programs.
For additional information on the final rule, visit 2024 Final Rule to Update Older Americans Act Regulations | ACL Administration for Community Living.
Informational Webinars
MBA convened two informational webinars to present an overview of the draft policies and procedures to be incorporated into the 2024-2027 State Plan on Aging and provide details about the OAA Title III public comment period.
For Service Providers
Title III Service Provider Webinar Agenda
Service Provider webinar overview (PDF)
For individuals receiving Title III services
Consumers webinar overview (PDF)