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Error Correction FAQ

  • 1. Who is responsible for correcting errors?


    Dispensers are required by MN Stat. 152.126 subd. 4 to report valid prescription information to the PMP. 
    • Prescription records containing errors must be resolved in the PMP database within seven days of the initial erroneous submission. 
    • File Status Reports containing errors are electronically distributed.  Reports are sent to the dispenser or their PMP Data Submitter (i.e. software vendor, corporate uploader, etc.) based on the dispenser's Clearinghouse account AND those designated as an authorized Rx Management user for this dispenser. 
    • Failure to correct prescription errors as statutorily required may result in a referral to the Board of Pharmacy.
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  • 2. What tools are available to correct errors?

    • Clearinghouse - a data repository for submitting records to the MN PMP. Access to errors is available to those with login credentials to a pharmacy's Clearinghouse account.  Additionally, correction files can be submitted via SFTP. Click here for instructions on how to correct errors within Clearinghouse or by submitting a corrected record file. 
    • Rx Management in MN PMP AWARxE - Rx Managment is an additional resource that is access from your personal MN PMP AWARxE account. Access to Rx Management is granted to Minnesota licensed Pharmacist-in-Charge (PIC), or other staff designated by the PIC.  For instructions on how to correct errors within Rx Management, click here
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  • 3. What if we still see an outstanding error for a dispensation record we already successfully resubmitted?


    Verify that the dispensation is visible and accurate within the MN PMP AWARxE database either on the patient's dispensation history report or through the Rx Maintenance tab of Rx Managment. Outstanding erroneous submissions can be voided/ deleted if a corrected version has already been reported. (Correcting the remaining error may result in a duplicate record in the MN PMP.)

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  • 4. I don't understand the error message.


    Refer to the Key to Errors for assistance with errors and requirements for correction.
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  • 5. I receive File Status Reports but am no longer responsible for data integrity for this pharmacy. How can I stop them?

    • If you are no longer the PIC for this pharmacy, please notify the Board immediately.
    • If you were not the PIC and are no longer responsible for correcting errors for this pharmacy, please contact the MN PMP staff.
    • If your email is associated with the pharmacy’s Clearinghouse account, contact the individual responsible for data submission for the pharmacy to have your access removed.
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  • 6. I would like to have File Status Reports sent to another individual in my pharmacy organization who is responsible for correcting errors. How can I do this?

    • To gain access to error correction through Clearinghouse, contact the primary account holder for your data submission account.  This individual can add authorized users to the submission account. (See Data Submission Guide section 8.1)
    • To gain access to error correction through Rx Management the individual must have an active MN PMP AWARxE account. A Minnesota licensed pharmacist who serves as the PIC can submit an access request for themselves or another authorized individual using this form.  
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  • 7. I am not licensed in MN therefore ineligible for a MN PMP AWARxE account; however, I am the PIC of an out-of-state MN licensed pharmacy dispensing controlled substances into MN. Am I able to have access to Rx Management?

    • Yes! If you are a current PIC of an out-of-state MN licensed pharmacy, as listed in the MN Board of Pharmacy's database, CLICK HERE to submit a request for out-of-state Rx Management access. 
    • A limited access MN PMP AWARxE account will be created for you. Upon approval, credentials and instructions will be sent via email. 
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  • 8. How can I correct errors with compound prescriptions? 


    Make sure the dispensation is correctly indicated as being a compound (the DSP07 field should be populated with an "06" in the ASAP file submitted).
    • Doing so enables the Compound Drug Ingredient (CDI) segments.
    • Report only those ingredients classified as reportable substances (MN schedules II-V plus gabapentin and butalbital).
    • See the ASAP CDI field descriptions in the Data Submission Guide. (p. 60)
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  • 9. How do I change an incorrectly reported record from a human to an animal prescription?



    • Correct any ASAP errors on the dispensation record. Then in the Rx Management section of the MN PMP AWARxE website, find the prescription in the Rx Maintenance tab. Modify any fields as necessary to make the dispensation record complete and accurate.
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  • 10. How do I correct a prescription record for gabapentin, prescribed by a veterinarian, that does not have a DEA or NPI?


    • For MN licensed veterinarians, ensure the veterinarian's state license number is populated in the PRE04 field or use the Error Correction tab of Rx Management to add the license number in the appropriate field. 
      •    If you still have an error, contact the MN PMP staff at with the prescriber's name and license number.
    • For out-of-state veterinarians, contact the MN PMP staff at with the prescriber's name and license number.
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  • 11. I corrected the prescription in my pharmacy dispensing software system, however the error is still appearing?


    Depending on how your pharmacy dispensing software is set up, edits to dispensation records may not automatically communicated to the MN PMP, requiring either a resubmission or manual correction on the Clearinghouse website or via Rx Management. 

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