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Requirement - Delegate Audit

Minnesota Statutes Section 152.126 subd. 6(n) reads in part... A permissible user who has delegated the task of accessing the data in subdivision 4 to an agent or employee shall audit the use of the electronic system by delegated agents or employees on at least a quarterly basis to ensure compliance with permissible use as defined in this section. 


  • At the end of each quarter, if you have been identified as having authorized at least one search performed on your behalf, by at least one delegate, you will receive notification via email that the auditing period has begun and you must access your MN PMP account to perform the required audit. 
  • Access Menu > User Profile > Delegate Management
  • Select one delegate at a time that appears with the icon "Needs Review". Select "View." (Delegates listed without "Needs Review" did not perform searches under your authority in the previous quarter."
  • Review searches performed by each delegate (if applicable) to ensure that the patient was under your care at the time of the search.
  • Attest to the review and click "Submit"
  • Click the tip sheet below for step by step assistance. 

Requirements for Removing Delegate Access

  • If you find a delegate has searched impermissibly you must remove access IMMEDIATELY and notify the program staff via email within 7 days of identifying the activity. 
    • See Delegate Audit Frequently Asked Questions for more information about suspected impermissible use. 
  • If a delegate is no longer working under your authority you are required to remove access within 3 days
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