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Patient Reports FAQ

  • 1. What prescriptions are collected by the MN PMP?

    Answer: MN licensed dispensers and prescribers that dispense from their offices are required to report Minnesota controlled substances II-V, as well as butalbital and gabapentin daily.
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  • 2. Why do I not see a prescription dispensed for my patient when I know my patient filled the prescription?

    Answer: MN licensed pharmacies are required to upload controlled substance prescriptions II-V, butalbital, and gabapentin into the PMP database daily. The pharmacy may have used a different variation of the patient name for example Bill instead of William. If you know the name of the pharmacy, you may contact them for more information.
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  • 3. Can I place a copy of the PMP report in my patient's EHR/EMR?

    Answer: The PMP cannot provide advice to this question. It is recommended this be discussed amongst the data privacy officers in your organization.
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  • 4. Will the report include data from the Veterans Administration (VA) Pharmacies?

    Answer: Yes, the VA uploads data to the PMP
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  • 5. How far back can I request recipient's records for?

    Answer: The maximum amount of identified patient prescription data is 12 months.
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  • 6. How do my patient's animal prescriptions effect risk scores and analytics when viewing a NarxCare report?

    Answer: When a prescription is dispensed for an animal, the reporting dispenser is required to indicate that the prescription is for a veterinary patient. Additionally, the name of the animal must be reported to the MN PMP along with the owner or caretaker’s information. The following applies to a MN PMP NarxCare report for a human patient, that shows prescription(s) reported as dispensed for an animal in their care:
    • Prescriptions dispensed for a patient’s animal(s) are excluded from the algorithm used to create risk scores. (Narx Scores and Overdoes Risk Score)
    • The interactive graphs show prescriptions by prescriber, therefore veterinary prescribed prescriptions are listed separately.
    • Animal prescriptions are not included in the daily morphine milligram equivalents.
    • Animal prescriptions are included in the Summary section which is an aggregation count of prescribers, prescriptions, and pharmacies.
    • In the line by line prescription data animal prescriptions are listed with an animal icon that will present the animal's name when hovered. 
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  • 7. What is a NarxCare Report

    Answer: A NarxCare Report is an enhanced visualization of PMP data with risk indicators, graphs, summaries, and a line-by-line view of prescription data.  NarxCare scores and reports are meant to aid, not replace, clinical decision making. None of the information presented should be used as sole justification for providing or refusing care. The scores are intended to raise provider awareness regarding PMP data. A concerning score should never result in a decision; rather, it should trigger a discussion with your patient. You should always look at the PMP data to assess which use patterns are leading to the NarxScore. Additional information can be found on the PMP AWARxE Searchers page under AWARxE Tools & Help, NarxCare.
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