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Managing Delegates FAQ

  • 1. Can a delegate access data on my behalf?

    Answer: Yes.   
    • After a delegate has created an account they will have no access to data unless approved by a supervisor.
    • Supervising account holders are accountable for all data accessed by the delegate.
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  • 2. How do I "link" a delegate to my account?

    Answer: If an individual registers as a delegate and selects you as their supervisor, you will receive email notification that a delegate account is pending your approval. Note: If the request is not acted upon, the system will send weekly follow-up emails advising you that action is still required.

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    • Click Delegate Management. New delegates are identified as “Pending.”
    • Approve or Reject the delegate
    • For additional details see Delegate Management Tip Sheet 
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  • 3. Can I have multiple delegates linked to my account?

    Answer: Yes and delegates can be linked to multiple supervisor accounts.
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  • 5. Is there a way to see which patients a delegate searched for under my delegation?

    Answer: Yes, Rx Search/ Request History. Request History displays the last 120 days of searches performed by you or a delegate on your behalf. A formal audit is required quarterly. See Request History Tip Sheet.
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  • 4. Can I remove a delegate from my account?

    Answer: Yes, User Profile, select Delegate Management. Highlight the appropriate delegate's name.  Select Reject, then Remove.
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  • 6. Where can I get more information about auditing my delegate(s)' access to patient reports?

    Answer: Please see Delegate Audit FAQ.
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