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Patients Rights regarding Privacy and Disclosure

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding the MN Prescription Monitoring Program for patients and the general public CLICK HERE

Substance abuse treatment and prevention resources for patients or families can be found under Substance Abuse Resources for Patients

Privacy and Confidentiality

Health information in the Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) database is protected by Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and other state laws.  The HIPAA privacy rule and state law protects the privacy of individuals’ health information.

Unauthorized Access/ Improper Disclosure

An individual who has been prescribed a controlled substance may submit a request to obtain information on access by permissible users to the recipient’s data record.  Information will include the name and organization affiliation of the permissible user and the date of access.  To request an audit of PMP search history click here to obtain a form.  Any suspected unauthorized access should be reported to the appropriate health-related licensing board of the account holder accessing the data or the supervising account holder of the delegate authorized to access the data on their behalf.  A list of Health Licensing Boards and their contact information can be found here

Note: Improper disclosure is governed by MN Statute 152.126 Subd 7, (b)A prescriber or dispenser authorized to access the data who knowingly discloses the data in violation of state or federal laws relating to the privacy of health care data shall be subject to disciplinary action by the appropriate health-related licensing board, and appropriate civil penalties”

Right to be Informed of Reporting to the PMP

Minnesota statutes section 152.126, Subd. 4(d) requires dispensers reporting patient prescription data to the PMP to provide to the patient for whom the prescription was written a conspicuous notice of the reporting requirement and notice that the information may be used for program administration purposes.  This notice can be accomplished in various manners, such as a sign posted within the pharmacy and visible to the patient, an insert in the prescription package, or a label on the prescription container.  Patients should also talk with their health care providers to become better informed about the prescription medications they are taking.  NOTE:  The PMP collects information on MN Schedules II, III, IV and V controlled substances , butalbital and gabapentin prescriptions dispensed in or into MN only.  Information can be found under Statute Requirements

Requesting a copy of an Individual's Controlled Substance Prescription History Report

Patients have a right to a free copy  of their own PMP record. To request a report a patient must mail, fax, or email a request to the MN PMP office staff using one of the following documents: Forms must be legible, complete, and notarized to be processed.  The MN PMP retains only the previous 12 months of prescriptions data to be released per statute guidelines. 

Individual Patient History Report Request   Request to Release a Report to a Third Party

Record Correction Requests

Data submitted to the PMP is provided by MN licensed pharmacies and dispensing prescribers who dispense in and into MN.  If there is an error in the data reported the patient needs to contact the pharmacy/dispenser who reported the data.  It is the responsibility of the pharmacy/dispenser to correct the data and resubmit it if appropriate.  It is recommended that the patient include in their correction request the date the report was run, the date the prescription was written and filled, and any other information to positively identify the record in question

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