Before Filing a Complaint
The BBHT has authority to investigate complaints received against:
- BBHT licensees and temporary permit holders, including licensed professional clinical counselors (LPCC), licensed professional counselors (LPC), licensed alcohol and drug counselors (LADC), and temporary permit holders (ADC-T or TP)
- Applicants for licensure
- Persons practicing without a license or representing to the public that they are licensed by BBHT
Please note that BBHT does not have jurisdiction or authority over mental health or substance use clinics, facilities, or hospitals.
You may use the BBHT License Lookup tool to find out if:
- Your counselor is licensed by BBHT
- If their license is active
- If there is any public action related to their license
Please contact BBHT if you have a question about filing a complaint or the complaint resolution process.
Additional information related to the complaint resolution process is available here: Complaint Resolution Process
Download BBHT Complaint Form here: Complaint Form
How to File a Complaint
To file a complaint, please download the BBHT complaint form, and complete the form to the best of your knowledge and ability.
Complaints must be filed in writing. You are not required to use the Complaint Form. The BBHT is not able to accept verbal complaints.
Complaints may be submitted to the BBHT by U.S., Mail, email, or fax.
You may include any documentation which is relevant to your complaint. Please to NOT send original documents.
The identity of the complainant is confidential, and the BBHT will not share with a licensee who filed a complaint.
If you wish to file an anonymous complaint, please be advised that the BBHT will not be able to acknowledge your complaint or inform you of its resolution.
Please note that submitting a complaint does not automatically result in disciplinary or corrective action.
Please contact BBHT if you have a question about filing a complaint or the complaint resolution process.
Additional information related to the complaint resolution process is available here: Complaint Resolution Process
Download BBHT Complaint Form here: Complaint Form
What Happens Next?
The BBHT will notify you in writing via mail within 14 days of the receipt of your complaint. You will also be notified in writing of the outcome of your complaint, when the investigation is concluded. The BBHT may contact you for additional information.
Each complaint is reviewed by the BBHT's Complaint Resolution Committee. The Committees may:
- Investigate the allegations
- Ask the licensee to respond to the allegations
- Refer the licensee to HPSP
- Hold a disciplinary or educational conference with the licensee
- Close the complaint
- Propose disciplinary or corrective action
After the Committee completes it's review of a complaint, they will determine if there is evidence of a violation of law, and if disciplinary or corrective action is needed to protect the public. If the Committee finds that there has not been a violation of law, or disciplinary or corrective action is not needed to protect the public, the complaint will be closed.
Please contact BBHT if you have a question about filing a complaint or the complaint resolution process.
Additional information related to the complaint resolution process is available here: Complaint Resolution Process
Download BBHT Complaint Form here: Complaint Form