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LPC/LPCC Continuing Education

According to Minnesota Statutes 148B.54 and Minnesota Rule part 2150.2500 to 2150.2660, all Licensed Professional Counselors and Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors are required to complete continuing educations units every two years. All continuing education must be counseling-related in nature. 

First Four Years of Licensure: 

During the first four years of licensure, licensees must provide evidence satisfactory to the Board of completion of 60 graduate-level semester credits and/or 40 continuing education units. 
  • For example, if a licensee was issued a license with a graduate degree composed of 48 graduate-level credits, that licensee must complete 12 additional graduate-level semester credits by the end of the first four years of licensure.
  • By completing 3 to 12 additional graduate-level semester credits, that licensee ALSO has met the 40 continuing education units requirement; 
  • Every semester credit counts as 15 continuing education hours; every quarter credit counts as 10 continuing education hours. 
  • If you were licensed based on a graduate degree with 60+ semester credits, you will ONLY be required to present evidence satisfactory to the Board of completion of 40 continuing education hours by the end of the first four years of licensure. 
Note: Each individual's requirements for graduate-level credit will be determined by the Board at the time of initial licensure. Licensees will receive continuing education information when their initial license is issued and mailed. 
How do I present the completion of my graduate-level credits hours to the Board? 

  • After completion of required graduate-level credits, Licensees must contact their school's registrar's office and request that an official transcript be sent directly to the BBHT office. Once received, the Board will review and update the licensee's education information in the Board's database. 
Note: Do not send in certificates of completion for continuing education hours. Each licensee is responsible for keeping continuing education records in the event they are selected in a random CE audit. The Board is not responsible for keeping CE documents unless they are part of an audit. 

After Fourth Renewal Period: 

After the fourth renewal period, all licensees report CE every two years and must present evidence satisfactory to the Board of completion of 40 continuing education hours at the time of license renewal. 
  • Keep all documentation of completed CE hours for five years in the event you are selected in a random CE audit. The Board does not require you to provide continuing education records at the time of each renewal period. 
Note: Do not send in certificates of completion for continuing education hours. Each licensee is responsible for keeping their continuing education records in the event they are selected in a random CE audit. The Board is not responsible for keeping CE documents unless they are part of an audit. 

Continuing Education Audit

The Board may audit continuing education based on a random selection of licensees each renewal period. If you are randomly selected as part of an audit, you will receive a letter notifying you of this shortly after you renew your license. 
If selected for Audit: 
  • You will be required to send in copies of all of your continuing education records (certificates of attendance, transcripts, etc.) showing that you have met the continuing education requirements.
Note: The Board may also audit continuing education if there is reason to believe the information is inaccurate. 
Not finished with your CE Hours? 
Visit the Administrative Rule Variance Request Page for more information regarding continuing education variance options. 

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