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2000 Hours of Supervised Postdegree Professional Practice for LADC Licensure

Applicants for licensure have the option of completing 2,000 hours of post-degree supervised practice in lieu of the oral exam. This supervision needs to be in compliance with Board statutes. Before your supervision begins, you must submit a Supervision Plan to the Board. This plan can be considered your contract with the Board. It demonstrates that you are agreeing to complete the supervision according to the Boards requirements.

Supervisor Requirements

Before you begin your supervision, your supervisor must meet the supervisor requirements according to 148F.04, subd. 3. If your supervisor is not already approved by the Board, they will need to complete the Approved Supervisor Application. There is a $30 one time application fee to become an approved supervisor.

Here are the requirements to become an approved supervisor:

  • Be a licensed alcohol and drug counselor or other qualified professional as determined by the Board
  • Have three years of experience in providing alcohol and drug counseling
  • Have received a minimum of 12 hours of training in clinical and ethical supervision. This can include continuing education courses, workshops, or college courses.

Supervision that Occurred before June 30, 2005

If any or all of your supervision occurred before June 30, 2005, it needs to be reviewed by the Board's Application and Licensure Committee (ALC). If your supervision occurred before this date, you will need to complete the Verification of Supervised Practice form with your supervisor. Your supervisor will also need to complete the Supervisor Credential form. Once both of these forms have been received, the ALC will review your supervision documentation. They will either approve all of the hours, some of the hours, or deny all of the hours. They may also request more information from you or your supervisor.

When you Complete Your Plan

After an applicant has completed supervision under a supervision plan that has been approved by the Board, the supervisor must document to the Board that the plan has ended. The supervisor must do this for any supervision that was provided, even if the plan ended prematurely due to change of employment. If the supervision was completed in accordance with the plan, the supervisor will complete the Verification of Completion of Plan. Please be aware that an applicant cannot practice until they have been notified in writing by the Board that they can do so.

Forms for Supervision that Occurred After July 1, 2005

Forms for Supervision that Occurred Prior to June 30, 2005

COVID-19 Supervised Practice: 
See for information related to COVID-19 supervision practices.
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