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Resolution 2022-1 Action and Communications Strategy Documents

Bibliography: Technical references related to forest biomass harvesting

MFRC Resolution 2022-1 DRAFT Action and Communication Plan

MFRC DRAFT Action Plan - Woody Biomass

Article: Hibbing Public Utilities Re-fires Wood Boiler

Greenhouse gas emissions from forest management - Life Cycle Assessment as a tool: Presentation by Thomas Bucholz to MFRC May 24, 2022

Life-Cycle Assessment of Harvested Wood Products: Presentation by Rick Bergman to MFRC May 24, 2022

Resolution 2022-1 Biomass Panel Wrap-Up: Presentation by Eric Schenck to MFRC May 24, 2022

May 24, 2022 Biomass for Bio-Energy and Other Wood Products: meeting notes

Carbon in Minnesota's Forests - current status and future opportunities: Presentation by Matt Russell to MFRC May 25, 2022

Turning Wildfire Tinder into Low Carbon Fuels - Noyes Law Corporation White Paper

The Yorth Approach: Restorative Development

An Assessment of Dead Wood Standards and Practices in Minnesota

Greenhouse gas emissions of local pellet heat from northeastern US forests

Probability-based accounting for carbon in forests to consider wildfire and other stochastic events: synchronizing science, policy, and carbon offsets

Carbon emissions associated with the procurement and utilization of forest harvest residues for energy, northern Minnesota, USA

Lifecycle Assessment and Techno-Economic Analysis of Biochar Pellet Production from Forest Residues and Field Application

Cradle-to-Gate Life-Cycle Inventory and Impact Assessment of Wood Fuel Pellet Manufacturing from Hardwood Flooring Residues in the Southeastern United States

The Carbon Impacts of Wood Products

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