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Landscape-level Management Program

The Sustainable Forest Resources Act laid the foundation for large-scale forest management by establishing the Landscape Program. The MFRC oversees the Landscape Program to support a broad perspective and a collaborative approach to sustainable forest management.

The MFRC Landscape Program fulfills the MFRC’s charge to “encourage cooperation and collaboration between public and private sectors in the management of the state’s forest resources.” This grass-roots effort builds relationships, strengthens partnerships, and identifies collaborative forest management projects that address local needs and represents concrete steps in determining and reaching citizen-identified short-term and long-term goals for broad landscape regions.

Landscape-level planning and coordination is a model for forest resources management that analyzes the forest across large areas, bridging land ownership and forest types. The landscape-based forest resources planning and coordination program provides a means of addressing regional forest resources issues – issues that may require the coordinated input of a number of different forest landowners. Central to this program is the establishment of regional committees to solicit the input of diverse forest resource interests within a particular forested landscape. The objective is to have the regional committees collectively identify, discuss, and resolve important locally-based forest resource management issues.

Find out more about our forested landscapes in Minnesota, the process of landscape-level forest management, and our volunteer regional landscape committees on this website or by contacting Ashlee Lehner, Landscape Planning and Policy Coordinator.

Regional Landscape Program

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