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Tim Wegner

Tim Wegner headshotTim Wegner has been operating a paper machine for PCA Packaging in International Falls, Minnesota for over 30 years.  He has served as a Union officer on and off for 25 of those years.  As the Labor Organizations Representative for the MFRC, Tim Wegner represents the 500 or so people working at PCA, all other working members of forestry related labor organizations in the state, and their families.  He stays engaged with his local constituents through conversation inside and out of work and through reports to the PCA weekly newsletter with an emphasis on forest issue education.  Tim says that working in a paper mill made him aware that forestry and environmental issues can impact his livelihood and the lives of those that live in communities dependent upon forest product industries. 

Tim grew up around forestry and people who earned their living from the woods.  He spends a lot of time at his cabin in the woods south of International Falls and enjoys activities such as hunting, fishing, bird watching, hiking, and berry picking.  Understanding the links between his career, his leisure activities, and forest management is what inspired Tim to become an advocate with groups such as the Minnesota Wood Fiber Employees Council, the United Steelworkers political division, and the Pulp & Paper Workers Resource Council; and to work on federal and state policies around Black Liquor Tax Credit, Boiler MACT Rule, Air Quality Acts and Water Quality Acts as they pertain to the pulp, paper, forestry industries, and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) funding for forest roads and bridges.

Tim first became involved with the MFRC when he served as an alternate for MFRC Labor Organization Representative Mike Trutwin (Council member 2009- 2015).  Although his involvement with the Council was minimal during that time, he was busy with groups that overlap with the Council’s work such as DNR, Minnesota Forest Industries (MFI), Forest Resources Association (FRA), and with state legislators who support forest products industries. Now that he has a direct role to play with MFRC, he is looking forward to working on issues that affect forest health such as carbon topics and climate change.  In the years to come, Tim hopes the Council’s work will focus on forest health, increased forest acreage, and a sustainable forest products industry that is welcoming to new markets and innovations.   

To connect with Tim Wegner, contact him at The Minnesota Forest Resources Council exists to support and advocate for Minnesotans like you! Please join us for our bimonthly public meetings, with Zoom links available via our calendar. We hope to see you there. 
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