Minnesota Indian Affairs Council
Dakota and Ojibwe Language Revitalization Grant
Request for Proposals
According to the language set forth in the 2023 Minnesota Session Laws, 93rd Legislature, Chapter 40, Article 4, Sec. 2, Subd. 9, funds were allocated for the Indian Affairs Council to provide grants to preserve Dakota and Ojibwe Indian language and to foster education programs and immersion programs in Dakota and Ojibwe language. There are two funds available. There is $1,300,000 available for two-year competitive language grants or $650,000 per year. There is $1,200,000 available for two-year immersion grants or $600,000 per year. All thorough and complete applications must be submitted to and received by the office of the Minnesota Indian Affairs Council, at 161 East St. Anthony Avenue, Suite 919, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103, Attention: Keegan Flaharty or emailed Keegan.Flaharty@State.mn.us - no later than 4:30 p.m. on August 9, 2023. No late proposals will be considered.
The Dakota and Ojibwe Language Revitalization Grant program, which funds revitalization of Minnesota’s first languages, is underwritten by an appropriation from the state’s Legacy Fund Amendment, MN Legacy Fund Amendment Information. The eligible project areas are intentionally broad and somewhat flexible to allow creativity and innovation with intent that a diverse array of projects can be funded. Recognized educational institutions in Minnesota, and 510 (C)(3) non-profits located in the State of Minnesota and currently registered with the Secretary of State’s office are strongly encouraged to apply.
Tribal nations receiving language funding from the tribal funding stream are eligible to apply for either RFP opportunity. All applicants can apply to both competitive and immersion RFPs; however, if selected grantees will only receive an award from one funding stream. If wanting consideration for both RFPs please submit two separate applications; however, applicants can reuse the same materials.
Please submit any questions via email to keegan.flaharty@state.mn.us by August 2, 2023. All responses will be posted on MIAC website by August 3rd. Please no phone calls.
To view the RFP documents:
Contact number 218 205 4752