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Doing Business with the DOC

Every company, individual and organization wishing to do business with the DOC needs to be a registered vendor with the state. 

  • General information for vendors, including information on registration, can be found here.
  • Additional information on vendor requirements can be found at the Department of Administration's Vendor Information page.
  • If your business includes providing programs or services to our incarcerated population or individuals on supervised release in Minnesota counties, please complete the Program Proposal Application.

Minnesota-based small businesses that are minority owned or located in an economically disadvantaged area of the state may apply to be classified as a Targeted Group/Economically Disadvantaged (TG/ED) small business. This classification provides a six percent preference in selling products or services in certain situations.

The DOC may send vendors invitations to bid or requests for proposals. However, vendors may also review all solicitation announcements electronically here.

Q & A; a portion of Requests for Information about Statewide health care electronic medical records (EHR) systems and related components for offenders under the authority of the Commissioner of Minnesota Department of Corrections.

As described in the full RFI document, click on the following links to download two files (pdf format) comprising the Questions and Answers, Addendum One, portion of the RFI.

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