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Licensee Continuing Education (CE) Requirements

License Renewal Requirements for ALL License Types:

Go to the Continuing Education page for complete information
For every two-year license renewal term, ALL LICENSEES must complete:
  • 40 total hours, including 
    • 2 hours in social work ethics 
    • 4 hours in cultural responsiveness
    • Up to half (50%) of the 40 total hours may be completed through independent learning which includes activities like: 
      • Online activities without live interaction 
      • Research for publication, presentations, or professional development
For LICSWs, 40 hours must include: 
  • 12 hours clinical content
For LICENSING SUPERVISORS, providing licensing supervision, 40 hours must include:
  • 6 hours supervision content
LICSW applicants CE option:
  • LICSW applicants must document 360 clock hours in six (6) clinical knowledge areas
    • 120 of these hours may be satisfied through CE, which may be completed via CE independent learning
  • Six clinical knowledge areas:
    1. differential diagnosis and biopsychosocial assessment, including normative development and psychopathology across the lifespan;
    2. assessment-based clinical treatment planning with measurable goals;
    3. clinical intervention methods informed by research and current standards of practice;
    4. evaluation methodologies;
    5. social work values and ethics, including cultural context, diversity, and social policy; or
    6. culturally specific clinical assessment and intervention
Licensing Supervisor CE requirement:
  • Licensing Supervisors must meet a one-time requirement of 30 hours of training in supervision prior to being eligible to provide licensing supervision
  • In addition, licensing supervisors must report 6 CE hours in supervision content at the time of license renewal
  • Supervision content includes material that promotes:
    • Evaluation and direction of a supervisee’s social work practice
    • Continued development of a supervisee’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to practice social work in an ethical and competent manner
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