Projects or programs that connect family, friends and neighbors who are caregivers for individuals with dementia to services, education and resources
Steele County Historical Society - Combatting Social Isolation
Individuals with mild dementia symptoms often may continue to work, drive, and participate in their favorite activities, with occasional help from family members and friends. However, as the disease progresses, a person with dementia may stop taking part in activities or conversation as much as they used to. They may find too much stimulation difficult. It is not usual for those with dementia to become more socially isolated, along with their primary caregiver.
Memory Cafes, developed first in Europe and now widespread in the USA, are designed as safe spaces where persons with dementia and their caregivers can connect with others on a similar path. Using Museum collections to spark conversation and interaction, the Steele County Historical Society launched History Partners Memory Café in 2021. It continues today, thanks to support from local community members, foundations, and businesses.
Koochiching Aging Options - Supporting Caregiving on “Minnesota’s Frontier”
When you hear the term “frontier,” you probably think about someplace long ago and far away. Yet Minnesota has seven counties that today are counted as “frontier areas” with fewer than seven people per square mile.
With four persons per square mile, Koochiching County is such a place. For almost the past quarter-century, Koochiching Aging Options (KAO) has been the go-to resource for older persons and family and friends who provide care to them in Koochiching County.
Multiple grant awards have helped KAO fill a gap in dementia-specific needs. One of Koochiching County’s most critical and growing need is one-on-one support from KAO’s certified caregiver consultant. She can help a stressed caregiver find resources, learn coping skills, and find time for self-care. KAO’s caregiving consultant can also help persons with dementia and their care partners connect, learn about Alzheimer’s and other dementias, create a support plan, and connect with community resources. In just the first quarter of KAO’s 2024 grant, its caregiver consultant has connected with more than 70 persons seeking support.