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State Agency Partners

Download a flyer describing these resources: Enterprise Resources (pdf).

Enterprise Talent Development

Enterprise Talent Development helps build skills, cultivate careers, and develop leaders. ETD delivers an array of compliance and professional development trainings, as well as leadership institutes for Minnesota government employees to sharpen skills in current roles, develop potential for advancement, and elevate leadership effectiveness. To learn more about ETD and the services they offer, visit ETD's website. 

Leadership and Team Dynamics

Leadership and Team Dynamics applies behavioral health expertise by aiding leaders as they navigate the human experience of leading people. Leadership and Team Dynamics guides leaders through common challenges of change and transition, disruption, conflict, and uncertainty. To learn more about Leadership and Team Dynamics, visit Leadership and Team Dynamics's website.

Office of Collaboration and Dispute Resolution

The Office of Collaboration and Dispute Resolution provides innovative collaborative and consensus building services to help resolve contentious public issues, assist government in providing meaningful public engagement, and build capacity of government to resolve differences in an effective and efficient manner. To learn more about OCDR and the services they offer, visit OCDR's website.

Office of Operational Excellence

The Office of Operational Excellence applies a wide range of problem-solving and team building strategies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery. 

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